Social service 19 years

About us How do we do it?

Firstly, to achieve all the goals towards especialized eduation for kids, this area provides inclusive and high-quality eduation. That is why we adopted new strategies and actions that will allow to reach more young people to provide the tools they need to continue with their education and future.

Skilled volunteers

Organisations donations

Become a volunteer

Our vision

Become an institution that contributes to specialized and quality education for kids with dissabilities.

Our goal

Empower our teachers from different roles, to enhance the specialized eduation

Our mission

Favor the access, permanence and graduation of boys, girls and youngsters with special educational needs.

Our values

  • Self worth
  • Solidarity
  • Social commitment
  • Social sensibilization
  • Quality

Events 🧡

18 June
Finca la Morada, Máncora, Perú

Father's Day Celebration 🧡

Today in a very special way we want to great all parents in advance.Highlight that they are uniqueand that the love they provide is inconditional. I hope that this Sunday you have a beautiful day full of joy and love. - APNEYO DNJ Mancora.

05 June
12:36am Máncora, Perú

World Environment Day

07 June
11:01am Máncora, Perú

Flag Day

24 June
09:00am Máncora, Perú

Farmers' Day